I rarely take advantage of B&N's Freebie Fridays (they give away free Nook Books), because I rarely find them intriguing. Maybe, two downloads in a full year? However, since I have a slight, under-developed obsession with the 1920's, I HAD to have this book. I'm so glad I downloaded it - it was wonderful. I love reading about life back then - how it was at the same time simpler and more complicated. How everything was just gorgeous and glamorous (though not for all, of course), and the USA as we know it was picking up steam. The setting is really what made me love this book as much as I did, because though I loved some of the plot points, I also saw others coming from a mile away (call it a life-long experience from watching soap operas). I have yet to continue the series - I've got the second book waiting in the wings - but I'm really looking forward to it. It's a realistic, entertaining, indulgent escape from reality. and if you love a good series - you should try this one out!
Love, Lust & Faking It by Jenny McCarthy
Simply because Jenny McCarthy has a wonderful, dirty sense of humor did I add this to my TBR list. I found it for $4.98 at Barnes & Noble one day, and being the type that just cannot leave that store without something, I picked it up. Seriously - it was on a table next to the check out line. I was grasping at straws! I expected to get this one from the library, too, but I figured - for such a small price, I could take it home and fly through it in a day or so. As with all of her previous books (well, the ones that I read), she succeeded at making me laugh! I had no idea that such a thing as a merkin existed, or that there would be a word for such a thing, but if you're now need-to-know curious, pick up this book. The way she tells it is far funnier than anything you could Google!
Recommendations for this book flew in from all angles. I think I'd heard about it from 5 separate people before I finally read it (or more like, I was on the library waiting list for so long that people were telling me about it over and over again while I patiently waited). I'm sure you've heard about it at least that many times, too, right? It was as fabulous as everyone said it was. It's told from a dog's perspective, and I loved that unique point of view! It was interesting, and really made you think about what a dog actually thinks every day as life moves along around him. Having grown up around lots of animals, it was extremely relate-able, and also - tear jerking - in both happy & sad ways. I was infuriated by a few of the plot points, in a "hating the villian" sort of way. But the ending (or was it the epilogue?) was so incredibly satisfying - it made the entire book worth reading. I also LOVED the "that which we manifest is before us" theme repeatedly mentioned in this book. Since I still had The Secret bouncing around in my head, this was incredibly satisfying for me. I believe in it, and I loved seeing examples of it in this book. Every dog lover should read this book - and even if you're not, it's still a great read. Being told from the dog's perspective doesn't make it totally dog-centered. So let me officially be the 6th person that has told you to read this book - go on now!
Also Re-Read
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling
Also one of the best books in history, and requires no commentary, other than - awesomesauce.
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