Saturday, April 22, 2023

Don't Miss Out on Our Free Earth Day 2023 Download Resource - Deals, Tips, and Ideas!

Hey, hi! I didn't plan to show up on the blog today, but when I poured my coffee this morning and noticed all the deals and articles hitting my inbox, I felt super motivated to throw a resource sheet together for you!

I'm not perfect (far from it), but I'm really striving to live more sustainably while taking baby steps through efforts that still allow me to be who I am and love what I love in a way that is kinder to both the planet and my family's bank accounts.

If you're interested in doing the same, you should check out these links!

It's a totally free download - one that you'll want to get your hands on RIGHT NOW, because a lot of the deals either expire tonight or tomorrow. And they are soooo worth taking advantage of! (I already did my damage at ThredUp last night, but I'm 100% placing a big seed order this afternoon.)

Okay, so, to get the sheet, GO HERE.

I promise it's worth it. There's even a bonus there that I didn't'll see. ;)

Happy Earth Day! Love on our Earth well today! <3

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