It's raining again, but it's okay. It's sandwiched between a beautiful weekend and upcoming summery weather. It's also much easier to take when there's leaves on the trees and a little warmth in the air.
I got some basil and cherry tomatoes in the ground yesterday after I weeded and hacked away at the overgrown mint. There was a toad hiding in it that nearly sent me flying. I'm thinking about transplanting something from the herb end of the big gardens to make some more space for veggies, but also don't want to overcrowd the herb garden. Our oregano has been overly enthusiastic for years and will eventually tower and spread. In the bigger gardens, though, my sage seems to have doubled, my lavender is perhaps a bit bigger than before, and both my lemon balm and chocolate mint are modest, but returned. It's a lot for one corner of our garden. I want to give everything room to breathe and be. I want this year's garden to be a win!

I did some free-form yoga last night with candles and crystals and spa music and it felt really good. I hope to fit that in a little more often.
So today starts another week of school, one of only four remaining. It both sounds like a lot and not very much. We're all tired of it, but also have it down to a method that works for us. I won't be sad to see it go! Though I do hope to keep them reading over the Summer (which is trickier without the library), and maybe even some math fact practice here and there. I'm hoping the district will extend their Epic memberships so we can still use that, at least. Henry reads from it most days, plus I read The Chocolate Touch aloud for them (which they liked) and now Luke and I are reading through the Doctor DoLittle book that comes after the one I read last year, so that's been cool for both of us.
I need to pull out the boys' summery clothes this week and have them try things on so we can order them some new things. Little Jake grows so, so quickly and his shorts look like underwear now!
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