We cleaned the house yesterday, and it's not perfect but it feels much better in here. I've mostly failed at the Stay Home Reading Rush. I finished one book and started another, but I won't finish it today like I'm supposed to. I'm still going to read my planned TBR stack but I'll have to finish it late. I did manage to workout, shower, and get some of the mountain of laundry we have going.
Matt started doing this volunteer thing for work this weekend. He's helping process small business loans for the bank. It's temporary, and just to help the bank keep up with the thousands of applications.
I made muffins this morning and wrote out the kids' school plans as far as I could into the week. Fascinating stuff, man. We have an Instacart order scheduled for tomorrow. We're running out of a lot so I'm grateful.
I planned a few Earth Day things for this week. I wish the weather was going to be warmer so we could do more outdoors.
Matt's making his sauce for dinner. We're out of parm, so that sucks, but I'm still looking forward to it. I'm thinking I'll rip and iron fabric while he cooks later so I can sew masks this week. I still need to figure out kids sizes. We all need one - we don't go anywhere, but they're required in public, now.
Whipped coffee is a no go - I tried two recipe variations and they were both different versions of awful. Oh well!
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